The Beauty Blog:
From the Aesthetician’s Desk
Are you ever envious of people with seemingly flawless skin? Well, that perfect complexion didn’t just happen overnight, it takes effort and diligence to form healthy skin habits, and there’s no better time to start training your skin then now.
11 Healthy Skin Habits:
- Plenty of Rest – 8 hours of beauty sleep per night is recommended to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.
- Drink Plenty of Water – Keeping well hydrated with water throughout the day is important for maintaining energy and flushing toxins out of the body.
- Regular Exercise – Be active! Exercising for at least 30 minutes per day gets your heart pumping, blood circulating, and skin glowing.
- Sunscreen – EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
- Home Regimen – Be diligent about your at home skincare regimen. Don’t just look at the products, use them!
- Cleanse Skin Nightly – You absolutely MUST wash off the make-up, dirt, oil, and debris of the day for your skin to repair itself properly at nighttime.
- Hydrate – Always keep your skin moisturized (yes, even oily skin needs moisture) to prevent irritation and inflammation. Healthy skin is hydrated skin.
- Anti-Aging Product – Let’s face it we’re all getting older, but there are products you can use to slow down that process. Depending on your skin type try a Vitamin C serum, Retinol, or Human Growth Factor.
- Regular Facial Treatments – Schedule a regular monthly facial service to keep your skin’s cells healthy and fresh.
- Home Treatments – People with healthy skin understand the importance of at home maintenance. Use gentle exfoliants and masks in between facial appointments to keep your skin glowing.
- Seek a Dermatologist – Yearly skin checks are an absolute must, and who better to pick their brain than a specially trained skin expert!
Click here to watch a video explaining “Why a Dermatologist?”
For more tips and tricks schedule a complimentary skin care consultation today.