Fighting Psoriasis
Psoriasis is more than just a skin condition affecting between 80 and 120 million people worldwide, it is now treatable with a number of different therapies prescribed at Las Vegas Dermatology®.
Fighting Psoriasis
Psoriasis is more than just a skin condition affecting between 80 and 120 million people worldwide, it is now treatable with a number of different therapies prescribed at Las Vegas Dermatology®.
Psoriasis is a skin condition with red plaques and thickened silver scales on an erythematous base, which can bleed and flake leading to social embarrassment. In addition to the skin related problems, debilitating pain in the joints can be seen with Psoriatic Arthritis. In the past, there were relatively few options to treat psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and those treatment options had some nasty side effects. In today’s society, there is a wide variety of treatment options available, with proven results and minimal side effects.
The Las Vegas Dermatology® office has raised funds for the National Psoriasis Foundation, and Dr. Greenberg even hosted a Vegas nightclub event with America’s Next Top Model, CariDee English, in order to raise awareness of this frustrating, but ultimately treatable skin condition. To learn more about psoriasis, click here to view the National Psoriasis Foundation.
Learn more about psoriasis
For questions regarding any skin conditions please request an appointment by clicking here or calling 702-456-3120.
Patient Cases

Contact us today to schedule your consultation.
653 North Town Center Drive, Suite #414
Las Vegas NV, 89144 USA
Tel: (702) 456-3120
Fax: (702) 823-1069
Office Hours:
Monday – 8am – 5pm
Tuesday – 8am – 5pm
Wednesday – 8am – 5:30pm
Thursday – 8am – 5pm
Friday – 8am – 4:30pm