Patient Resources
Welcome to our Patient Resources and Learning Center. Here you will find all of the forms necessary for your first visit, information regarding our policies and practice as well as educational links to some of the most common skin conditions and advanced skin treatments available at Las Vegas Dermatology®. It is impossible to have a comprehensive list of every skin condition or concern on our website, so your best option may be to schedule a consultation to discuss your particular condition. Please click on one of the hyperlinks to learn more about a particular interest, procedure, skin condition, skin treatment, skin care option or spa service. By clicking on one of the links below, you can get started on your first office visit.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation.
653 North Town Center Drive, Suite #414
Las Vegas NV, 89144 USA
Tel: (702) 456-3120
Fax: (702) 823-1069
Office Hours:
Monday – 8am – 5pm
Tuesday – 8am – 5pm
Wednesday – 8am – 5:30pm
Thursday – 8am – 5pm
Friday – 8am – 4:30pm