Dr. Vegas’ Monthly Blog:
Dermatology Notes from Dr. H.L. Greenberg



The 1st time I ever had Laser Hair Removal I was doing an away dermatology rotation on an American Society of Dermatologic Surgery scholarship in Manhattan.  It was a bizarre and slightly painful experience with an 810nm diode machine, which used a cooling tip and direct contact to remove my unwanted back hair.  During that experience, I learned that there were multiple different lasers available to remove unwanted hair.  I also learned that just 1 laser session is not enough to remove hair permanently, as my back hair started to grow back after a few months; it typically takes 6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart to consider the hair gone; each time the laser works to destroy the hair follicle.  Hair thinning and a reduction in the number of hair follicles will occur after each treatment.

 Laser hair removal is not an entirely painless process; in fact, if you don’t experience some discomfort, the machine probably isn’t working correctly.  The pain is from laser light energy absorption in the targeted hair follicle, thus destroying the follicle and reducing the number of follicles.  Pain can be amplified if you are tense, 1 week on either side of a woman’s menses/period, or if the hair is too long.  I like for people to have 1-2mm of hair growth prior to a laser hair removal procedure (usually not shaving for a couple of days is good enough).  When done correctly, there will be obvious hair destruction with the treatment; there is a certain level of satisfaction when hairs literally pop out of the skin while being hit with laser energy.

After treatment, the skin will get red and you may experience some ingrown hairs, discoloration or a rash (all of these side effects are typically short-lived).  Additionally, if this is your first treatment, you may have an even more inflammatory reaction.  Any time you change the way in which you remove hair you will get a reaction- whether it’s changing from a straight edge razor to electric, waxing to nairing to epilating to threading- there will be some evidence that you’ve changed your hair removal strategy.  With each laser hair removal treatment, the reactions become less and less severe.

With lasers, technology matters- a lot, and you don’t want to skimp on technology.  I do not believe an 810nm diode machine (like was used on me in Manhattan) or an IPL device to be good enough at removing unwanted body hair- you need the right tool to get the job done!  Having experienced multiple different laser hair removal procedures myself, and having spent a great deal of time researching the topic, I purchased 2 lasers by Cynosure, which in my professional opinion are the best lasers available for Laser Hair Removal- a Yag (1064nm) laser for darker skinned patients with dark hair and an Alexandrite (755nm) laser for lighter skinned patients with dark hair.  Because dark hair is the target for both of our lasers, neither the Yag or the Alex will hit red, blonde or white/grey hairs.

Whether it’s laser hair removal, laser tattoo removal, laser blood vessel destruction, laser facials or laser wrinkle removal- we probably have a laser that can treat whatever ails you.  If you’re looking to be “Hair Free” by summer time, you should get started soon!